Exploring Spatial Information
and Analysis in Agriculture

Advanced Spatial Analysis Issues

Exercise 9 – Data Clustering




Base Maps.  The Base Maps needed include:


  P_Fall_1997 Map.  Interpolated phosphorous surface for 1997 field data collected every 250 feet in a regular grid pattern.


  K_Fall_1997 Map.  Interpolated potassium surface for 1997 field data collected every 250 feet in a regular grid pattern.


  NO3_N_Fall_1997 Map.  Interpolated ammonium nitrogen surface for 1997 field data collected every 250 feet in a regular grid pattern.


Step 1.  …press Grid Analysis button; press Statistics class button; select the Cluster operation.


  CLUSTER P_Fall_1997 WITH K_Fall_1997, NO3_N_Fall_1997 USING 3 FOR Data_zones3. 


  Data_Zones3 Map.  This map identifies three zones whose P, K and N values are fairly similar, yet different from those of the other two zones.